Thursday, December 3, 2009

Can I use makeup in photos I submit to modeling agencies?

(I'm a guy, ps)

I was told by a designer that I have the body and face for modeling, but he suggested I use concealer when I take my polaroids/basic shots that I plan on submitting to an agency.

I'm confused because I always heard that you shouldn't wear any makeup in these types of photos? Some sources say use minimal makeup, others say don't wear any. What should I do?Can I use makeup in photos I submit to modeling agencies?
Look at鈥?/a> it tells you everything that you need to know and is written by an ex vogue model.Can I use makeup in photos I submit to modeling agencies?
It should look like you aren't wearing any makeup, but that doesn't mean you can't use light concealer/foundation/powder to hide circles, spots and even out your skintone
Go with foundation and concealer, no eye make-up, no blush. Make sure the make-up you do wear looks natural.
whatever makes you feel most comfortable

you don't want a lot of make up just stuff enhance your beauty

believe me its tough but you will get used to it

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